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China Added 48.2GW Solar Capacity in 2020

China Added 48.2GW Solar Capacity in 2020

By 2020, the cumulative installed capacity of China's solar market is 253GW, and the new installed capacity is 48.2GW. In 2020, 32.7GW of newly installed capacity comes...

Raytech Double Glass Solar Modules Brought High-gain Business Model to Solar Industry

Raytech Double Glass Solar Modules Brought High-gain Business Model to Solar Industry

The 10MW greenhouse project reported by PV Magazine uses Raysolar (sub-brand of Raytech) double glass modules, specifically speaking, high-transparency double glass sol...

Jordan's Share of Renewable Energy Generation Has Increased by 20%

Jordan's Share of Renewable Energy Generation Has Increased by 20%

According to a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IREA), Jordan's share of renewable energy electricity increased from almost zero in 2014 to ab...

Macquarie Australia Will Develop 8GW Solar Projects in Europe

Macquarie Australia Will Develop 8GW Solar Projects in Europe

Green Investment Group (GIG), part of Australian Venture Capital Macquarie, launched Cero Generation, a specialized solar company that will operate in Europe.

Discussion on Bifacial Solar Modules at the 2021 European Solar Investment and Financing Conference

Discussion on Bifacial Solar Modules at the 2021 European Solar Investment and Financing Conference

The number of projects using double glass solar modules and bifacial solar modules continues to grow, and the power generation of double glass solar panels and bifacial...

EDP, a Portuguese Utility Company, Sets the Development Target of 1GW Energy Storage in 2026

EDP, a Portuguese Utility Company, Sets the Development Target of 1GW Energy Storage in 2026

EDP, a Portuguese utility, will strive to develop its energy storage and green hydrogen business through two independent business units focusing on technology developme...

Cost Calculation and Analysis of Solar Power Project

Cost Calculation and Analysis of Solar Power Project

In most cases, the cost of solar power generation projects can be divided into initial investment cost, operation and maintenance cost, and other costs.

U.S. Newly Installed Capacity of Solar Energy Sets A Record Of 16.5GW in 2020

U.S. Newly Installed Capacity of Solar Energy Sets A Record Of 16.5GW in 2020

In 2020, the U.S. renewable energy industry overcame adversity and set a record of installed capacity, continuing the decade-long growth trend.

Can PV Modules Withstand Hail?

Can PV Modules Withstand Hail?

Raytech has received a lot of positive feedbacks from clients because of its high strength of double-glass structure. The front glass layer of solar module is usually m...

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