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Germany Deployed Over 500MW Solar Projects in January

Germany Deployed Over 500MW Solar Projects in January

Bundesnetzagentur, the German Federal Grid Regulator, reported that the newly registered installed capacity of solar system in January was 536 MW, slightly higher than ...

Austria's Largest Solar Power Station Finished Grid Connection

Austria's Largest Solar Power Station Finished Grid Connection

Maxsolar, the German developer of the project, has completed the installation of 11.5 MW solar ground system on a gravel dump in Austria. Ningbo Raytech New Energy Mate...

Australia Expects to Produce 100,000 Tons of Waste PV Modules By 2035

Australia Expects to Produce 100,000 Tons of Waste PV Modules By 2035

According to the data provided by the clean energy regulatory agency (CER), by the end of 2020, more than 2.66 million rooftop solar power generation systems have been ...

India's Solar Energy Surpasses Wind Energy

India's Solar Energy Surpasses Wind Energy

India Ministry of Renewable Energy says solar generation system, including ground mounted and roof mounted, reached 38.8GW in January, while wind power is 38.7GW. Rayte...

Brazil Registered 67MW of Renewable Energy in Its Auction System on June 25

Brazil Registered 67MW of Renewable Energy in Its Auction System on June 25

EPE, Brazil's state-owned energy research company, announced on Thursday that 66.862MW of renewable energy projects have been registered for two auctions to be held on ...

Japan: Affected by COVID-19, Part of the FIT Claimed in 2020 Will Be Postponed to 2021

Japan: Affected by COVID-19, Part of the FIT Claimed in 2020 Will Be Postponed to 2021

Affected by the COVID-19 and the emergency declaration issued by the Japanese government, many of the projects which applied for FIT certification in 2020 failed to com...

PV Module Prices Have Risen 15% in the Past Few Weeks

PV Module Prices Have Risen 15% in the Past Few Weeks

Some utility-scale solar projects tendering results recently released show that the price of solar modules has increased by 10% to 15%, and the price increase for some ...

Belgium to Become GW-Scale PV Market with PV Installed Capacity pf 1.01GW in 2020

Belgium to Become GW-Scale PV Market with PV Installed Capacity pf 1.01GW in 2020

Belgium, the central European country will have an installed capacity of about 1010 MW in 2020, setting a record in terms of new solar installation deployment. By the e...

Brazil Proposed a Bill Exemption for Distributed Solar System Smaller than 100kW

Brazil Proposed a Bill Exemption for Distributed Solar System Smaller than 100kW

In late February, Brazil's House of Representatives submitted a proposal aimed at exempting transmission and distribution network usage fees for distributed generation ...

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