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Belgium: New Solar Installation Hit 900MW in 2020

Belgium: New Solar Installation Hit 900MW in 2020

Renewable energy production in Belgium increased by 31% and currently accounts for 18.6% of the country's electricity supply. Its cumulative solar installed capacity in...

SOLAR101 for Commercial Solar Project – Part 2

SOLAR101 for Commercial Solar Project – Part 2

Due to the high matched profile between solar power generation and load power consumption, industrial and commercial solar projects have the advantages of high proporti...

SOLAR101 for Commercial Solar Project – Part 1

SOLAR101 for Commercial Solar Project – Part 1

Due to the high matched profile between solar power generation and load power consumption, industrial and commercial solar projects have the advantages of high proporti...

Global Market Outlook: Germany to Set 100GW by 2030 Target

Global Market Outlook: Germany to Set 100GW by 2030 Target

According to statistics, the cumulative solar power generation capacity of Germany will reach 53.66 GW by the end of November 2020, and the rooftop solar systems instal...

Will Solar Modules Produce Light Pollution?

Will Solar Modules Produce Light Pollution?

Raytech double glass solar modules are one of the best options for BIPV solutions. Nowadays, some clients still ask if solar modules installed on the curtain wall of bu...

Solar Industry Outlook 2021

Solar Industry Outlook 2021

It is estimated that solar industry will maintain a high prosperity in 2021, and the global installed capacity is expected to be 160GW, with a year-on-year growth of mo...

The Ongoing PV Tender in Singapore is Sufficient to Power 5500 Apartment Units

The Ongoing PV Tender in Singapore is Sufficient to Power 5500 Apartment Units

Singapore's ongoing or awarded solar energy bidding is enough to build about 280 MW solar energy capacity, covering 5500 household roofs. On about half of the roofs, so...

Raytech Focuses on Brazil with 9GW Rooftop Solar Market in the Next Two Years

Raytech Focuses on Brazil with 9GW Rooftop Solar Market in the Next Two Years

In 2021, Raytech will continue focusing on Brazil solar market to provide high-quality solar panels and 24/7 service to our local clients. Raytech Double-glass modules ...

The Importance of Solar System Daily Operation and Maintenance

The Importance of Solar System Daily Operation and Maintenance

Daily work of operation and maintenance is one of the most important parts to maximize the benefits from a solar system. Selecting the right and high-quality products a...

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