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India Announces the Largest Floating Solar Plant to Date

India Announces the Largest Floating Solar Plant to Date

Bharat Heavy Power Co., Ltd. (BHEL), an Indian state-owned enterprise, recently announced that India's largest floating solar power station has been put into operation....

Minimum 0.059USD/kWh - Russia Announced Auction Results of 775MW Solar Project

Minimum 0.059USD/kWh - Russia Announced Auction Results of 775MW Solar Project

Recently, the Russian national energy regulatory agency JSC ATS announced the results of its eighth round of large-scale renewable energy auction. A total of 775 MW of ...

Kazakhstan Plans to Double the Renewable energy Power Generation Capacity by 2023

Kazakhstan Plans to Double the Renewable energy Power Generation Capacity by 2023

According to the news released on the official website of the PM's office of Kazakhstan on October 9, the Prime Minister chaired a video conference of the Council for i...

The Construction of Juwi's 121MW Solar Project in Japan Begins

The Construction of Juwi's 121MW Solar Project in Japan Begins

Pacico Energy KK, a Japanese solar project developer, has hired Juwi Shizen Energy Inc. to build a 121MW DC solar power plant in the Mitsuda area of Hyogo Prefecture, J...

Bidders Plan to Use

Bidders Plan to Use "Brown Energy" in Singapore's Clean Energy Tender to Balance the Intermittency of Solar Energy

Solar developer NEFIN and Tuas Power Power, have made a joint bid to secure the right to supply 100MWh of "zero carbon power" from Malaysia to Singapore. Ningbo Raytech...

2021H1 Italy's Non-hydro Renewable Energy Generation Accounted for 23% of Electricity

2021H1 Italy's Non-hydro Renewable Energy Generation Accounted for 23% of Electricity

In the first half of 2021, wind and solar capacity generated 24TWh, up 1.3% year-on-year, enough to meet 15.5% of the country's electricity demand, according to Terna, ...

From Jan to Jul Renewable Energy Can Meet 66% of Portugal's Power Demand

From Jan to Jul Renewable Energy Can Meet 66% of Portugal's Power Demand

According to the data of Portuguese power company REDEs Energeticas Nacionais (ren), the output of renewable energy is sufficient to meet 66% of Portugal's power consum...

Solar Greenhouses in France Generate 3.1 GWh of Electricity per Year

Solar Greenhouses in France Generate 3.1 GWh of Electricity per Year

In 2017, French renewable energy developer Tenergie commissioned its first solar greenhouse based on Tenairlux's patented technology in Mallemort in the Boucheres-du-Rh...

In 2021, UK Is Expected to Add 1GW of Grid-Connected Solar Capacity

In 2021, UK Is Expected to Add 1GW of Grid-Connected Solar Capacity

According to the British Solar Energy Association, the British solar industry added 175 MW of solar power generation capacity in the first quarter, bringing the country...

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