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A New Computing Model Can Quickly Calculate Solar Power in Agri-Solar Projects

Release date:2021-06-10 Source:Raytech Pageviews:-

Tarek Zohdi, a scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, has developed a computational framework to optimize solar power generation in agri-solar projects that rely on duplex components and other systems.

The researchers define the new method as a "digital twin" framework, which is said to be flexible enough to simulate systems and quickly calculate solar power flows in multipurpose agricultural photovoltaic projects using the down-order model of the Maxwell equation. These equations are typically used to describe how charges and currents produce electric and magnetic fields. Model Downscale (MOR) is a method of reducing the computational complexity of mathematical models in numerical simulations.

This method considers the decomposition of solar irradiance high frequency into multiple rays and analyzes how these rays travel forward in a timely manner to evaluate multiple reflections and absorption of various system configurations. It also takes into account panel tilt, panel refractive index, size, shape, height, and altimet. 

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