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U.S. Predicts the Domestic Solar Installed Capacity Will Reach 1600GW in 2035 and 3000GW in 2050

Release date:2021-11-18 Source:Raytech Pageviews:-

Recenty, the US Department of energy released a research report on solar energy. The study outlines how solar energy can help decarbonize the U.S. power grid and help achieve the government's goal of zero net emissions in the power sector by 2035.

Research shows that by 2035, solar energy has the potential to supply 40% of the electricity in the United States, provide nearly 1.5 million jobs, and will not cause a rise in electricity charges. The report calls for a significant increase in the installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation. According to the vision blueprint of the U.S. Department of energy, the country's photovoltaic power generation needs to rise from 76gw in 2020 (about 3% of the national power supply) to 1600gw in 2035 and reach 3000gw in 2050.

Ningbo Raytech New Energy Materials Co., Ltd. specializes in “PV Modules Manufacturing and System Integration” and “Smart Panel Materials Manufacturing”. The company has independent product R&D teams, national key laboratory and 1.2GW full-automatic manufacturing line. Raytech Double-glass modules come with 12-year product warranty and 30-year performance warranty (2 years and 5 years longer than industry's standard product / performance warranty respectively).

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