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An Australian Town is 100% Powered by Solar and Battery Storage

Release date:2021-08-03 Source:Raytech Pageviews:-

Onslow in Western Australia's Pilbara region has become Australia's largest town powered by 100 percent renewable energy, achieving a landmark moment during the successful demonstration of the Onslow Distributed Energy (DER) project.

During a microgrid trial late last month, Horizon Power, a state-owned regional utility, successfully used renewable energy to power the 800-strong community for 80 minutes. The entire system consists of a 600 kW ground solar power plant, a 700 kW roof array and a battery system.

Onslow is located on the western Australian coast about 1400km north of Perth and has a population of 848. The Onslow project was launched in 2016 to replace diesel and gas generators. The first phase delivered a modular gas-fired power station with a installed capacity of 8 MW and associated infrastructure. The second phase completes a 1 MW centralized solar photovoltaic farm and a 1 MWh battery storage system. As part of the project, microgrids also combine rooftop and residential batteries to inspire small-town residents to install solar and battery technology in their homes. The high level of absorption of renewable energy by the Onslow community has enabled Horizon Power to effectively conduct THEDERMS pilot to manage assets connected to its network in a coordinated manner.

Ningbo Raytech New Energy Materials Co., Ltd. specializes in Double glass Solar Modules Manufacturing. The company has independent product R&D teams, national key laboratory and 1.2GW full-automatic manufacturing line. Raytech Double-glass modules come with 12-year product warranty and 30-year performance warranty (2 years and 5 years longer than industry's standard product / performance warranty respectively).


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