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European Solar Market Outlook 2021 - 2

Release date:2021-01-19 Source:Raytech Pageviews:-

Looking back at the solar market in 2020, theCOVID-19 epidemic has affected the increase of global solar demand. However, the global market remains resilient, and the overall demand impact is less than expected. The annual demand is expected to reach 127GW. At the same time, more than 25 countries have clarified their expectations of zero carbon emissions in the next few decades. Carbon neutrality has become the consensus of major countries in the world, and the prospect of renewable energy represented by solar is promising.


France is expected to continue to promote photovoltaic bidding projects in 2021, and subsidies continue to help the development of distributed markets. Due to the continuation of the construction of photovoltaic projects in 2017-18, the 7GW project capacity reserve of the previous photovoltaic bidding will promote the growth of installed capacity in France in 2021. On the other hand, the country’s new energy plan has reached 20GW of installed photovoltaic capacity in 2023, with an average annual demand exceeding 3GW, which is expected to accelerate the release of installed capacity in France after 2021.


Demand in Italy has rebounded significantly in the post-epidemic era, and favorable policies have accelerated the development of the distributed photovoltaic market. Italy plans to achieve the ambitious goal of a cumulative installed capacity of 52GW in 2030. The tender plan launched in 2019 is expected to expand the country's continued growth in demand. In order to encourage residential photovoltaics that have been hit by the epidemic, the government has increased the tax subsidy for installed capacity from 65% to 110%. Although the policy conflicts with the net metering system, it is expected to increase the demand for photovoltaic + energy storage.


The three countries and other markets are supported by policies and tenders to support continuous photovoltaic growth in 2021. Among them, the demand for photovoltaic installations in Denmark and Greece has increased by 3-4 times compared with before 2019, mainly due to the rise of ground photovoltaics and the competitiveness of photovoltaic costs. In recent years, Poland has been driven by subsidy policies and bidding, and its installed capacity has grown rapidly. Portugal has accelerated the release of installed capacity by the country's large-scale project bidding.

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